The Superficial Sessions
The first three sessions are considered a complete series. In these sessions we will expand the potential for breath, fluidity of movement, and create a solid connection with the earth through the feet, all the while working out kinks and adhesions in the outer layers of the body. Problems with the feet and shoulders can often be resolved in this series.
Breath and Perception are the keys to unlocking your body, mind and inner source of Wisdom. These are skills that will provide the foundation for all else that follows.
The Core Sessions
With the fourth hour, we begin again at a much deeper level of change. Sessions 4 - 7 are where the true transformation takes place. Working directly, and progressively with all the core muscles, ligaments and fascial structures of the body, we can change the way force is trasmitted through the body, reducing strain through increased tonus, balance and flexibility. Bones and organs shift, muscles that were carrying the strain of the body can rest into their specific function. Through working with proprioception, and the nueromuscular connections, we are integrating the physical body with the neural map which guides posture, movement and how we experience ourselves in the world.
The Integration Sessions
Throughout this process you will not only learn new, more efficient ways to use your body to alleviate chronic patterns of strain but also gain the internal freedom to do so. You will be able to use your body in ways that were never before possible! In sessions 8 - 10, we bring integratation to all the physiological and neurological changes, evoking your highest potential for grace, ease, and energy... your line.